

You can request a refund within 14 days of receiving your order, and have an additional 14 days to return the item(s) to us. If your request is not within 14 days from the date of receipt, we may deny your refund or offer store credit (this decision is at our discretion).

Items must be in new and re-sellable condition (unworn, unwashed, odour free), and any items returned that we do not believe to be in this condition will not be refunded. Items should be packaged appropriately before returning to maintain best possible condition.

All items must be returned in the original packaging (internal, not external) and with the original packing slip.

The cost of returning items to us is your responsibility. We do not offer free returns, or reimburse shipping costs.

The following items CANNOT be returned: gift vouchers, socks, swatches/fabric samples, personalised items, bespoke items, items from our 'Custom Colour' range, colour matching service and products, mystery boxes.

Items purchased from Outlet (aka Clearance) can be returned for store credit only.

International Returns

If you are from outside of the United Kingdom and are making a return, please ensure you write "RETURNING GOODS" on the outside parcel to avoid the UK customs office holding the parcel for inspection.


Refunds will be processed within approximately 10-15 business days (Monday-Friday, excluding public holidays).

You will receive your refund in the original form of payment. We cannot refund to a different bank, card, or provider.

Refunds can take a few days to be processed by banks and providers. If you have not received your refund after 10-15 business days of it being delivered back to us, please contact your bank/provider to see if there have been any issues. If you have done thing and you still wish to query your refund, please email


Items can only be exchanged for the same item of a different style or shape, and of the same value. For example, a Plain Black Bow Tie (pre-tied) can be exchanged for a Plain Black Bow Tie (self-tie). If you want to change the design, fabric, or colour, you will need to return it for a refund and place a new order.

Exchanged items cannot be refunded.

We only offer Exchanges for UK customers. International customers will need to return for refund and place a new order.

The cost of returning an item for exchange is the responsibility of the customer and will not be provided or reimbursed by Ties Etc.

Request a Return

If you have read and understood our Returns Policy above, you may now submit a return request by email to